Thursday, November 8, 2012

Totally Disgusted!!

I am not one to throw my political views in peoples' faces,  but I heard a fact yesterday that made me sick to my stomach.

This election, a total of 6 BILLION dollars was spent on political campaigns.  I don't care if you are a democrat, republican or independent that is sickening!!

there are children starving all over the world

Just think of all the amazing things that could have done with 6,000,000,000!!


  1. I heard that too and I was sure that I had heard wrong. It is indeed disgusting. The pictures of those children make my heart hurt.

  2. That is an appalling amount of money wasted!!

  3. I agree! I live in Ohio and we were inundated with ads. The people in New York and New Jersey that have lost their homes and everything they owned could sure use some of that money to get their lives back.

  4. I agree. Breaks my heart. And think of all the time that has been spent campaigning. Time to me is priceless and our country spends too much of it campaigning and trying to get elected/reelected. We need strict limitations in my opinion. Sigh.... just gets me so fired up!

  5. Those pictures make me want to cry. This world is EVIL! No wonder we need God's salvation. Seriously sad. And all this political bickering just divides and causes hate. The whole thing disgusts me too.

    I give money to Feed America but I need to donate for those poor kids in Africa. We are so wealthy and have so much.

  6. Get rid of Citizen's United. The money that corporate donors put into this election was astounding. We should make a law that if they give a certain amount to a political campaign they have to match it to a charity or some good cause.

  7. You are so right! Thanks for this post.

  8. Girl! Don't get me started! It's so disheartening. So much good could be done with all that money that simply allows two people to act like children most of the time.

  9. Alexa has a great idea! This is crazy! It's been happening forever but you never really think about it.
