Monday, February 18, 2013

One last hurrah!!

I know that Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow a couple weeks ago, so spring will be here soon.  That being said, Thursday I am getting my last winter fix and heading to Colorado with some friends for a ski weekend.  Mentally I am so ready for sandals, swimsuits and sundresses, but if you give me a snowy mountain and an irish coffee, I just love the freezing temps.

Today I need to start organizing myself for the trip.  My guidelines are warmth, layers and black...

and for going out at night; warmth, layers and black...

Bring on the snow!!


  1. Love your wintery outfits. I didn't know you were heading to the mountains. Have fun!!

    Keira wasn't really eating raw fish. She likes chicken satay and cucumbers and the sweet potato roll. :-)

  2. Well if there is Irish coffee involved I am sure you will have a fab time! lovely outits:)

  3. The best part of skiing is going for Après ;)
    Love the outfits!
